Sunday 15 March 2009

Soidhnichean rathaid da-chananach, Bilingual road signs

There's been a lot of talk recently about bilingual road signs being potentially dangerous after the statement from the Scottish transport minister Stewart Stevenson. Mr Stevenson has since claimed his statement has been widely misunderstood and now it seems the review will be considerably speeded up. Quite enjoyable was the reaction from Doctor Micheal Foxley, one of the three leaders of the Highland Council, at the Gaelic committee meeting on Thursday:
“The view that your cognition skills are reduced by 41% in terms of reading bilingual signs indicates that you have a serious mental health problem and you’re not fit to drive a modern car. If you can’t cope with bilingual signs you just need to walk, or the keys should be taken from you and you should be taken home gently." A full report of that meeting here.
Folk in other countries seem to manage well why should Scotland be any different?

Thanks to Akerbeltz for the picture.

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